We have been thinking about trading in our Yukon for a slightly smaller vehicle, with a smaller payment. We still want four wheel drive, and some of our other accessories, , and we're not in a big hurry to do this. Any recommendations? We have looked at the Dodge Durango, and a few others.
The Ford Expedition seats 8 - is that too many? That was my all-time favorite car! Check it out on the Ford websites. In fact, that is what you need to do: Just go to all the major car dealer websites and check out the size car you want. They have their websites so good now that you can get 360 degree views on the cars as well as inside! Don't fall for any of those mid-size cars that say they seat 7 - the backseats are really only for small children.
Buy an old woody station wagon and jack it up with a 4x4 install! You'll be stylin'!
Pretty hard to beat the Yukon---every trade costs you money---no matter where you trade or wht you trade into the dealers skin you.
Get a Prius, cut it and stretch it, then jack it up with 4WD. Put in a super-charged blower, and....
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