Sunday, February 4, 2007

Weapons of Mass Destruction

It's horrible! The destruction never seems to end! There are pieces of debris everwhere!
Yes, we are remodeling again. We just tore down two walls yesterday in the hopes of creating a new and improved master bedroom suite. We now would like to meet the guy who wired our house, and ask him, "What were you thinking?" They ran power through the floor to one of the walls near our old bathroom door to power an outlet. Then it went under the floor for another 10' to come up into the wall further into the bedroom and power an outlet. From there the power went through the wall to power a light switch, and then up into the attic and back another 10' to power a switch that was 2' above the first outlet! When I told my father-in-law all of this (he's a contractor), he wasn't even surprised, he just laughed.
Sometime soon, we hope we'll have our room finished, our privacy back, and get out of the war zone. Currently we don't have a bedroom or bathroom door. I've hung a blanket where our new bedroom door will be. Come to think of it, the blanket might slow the kids down more than the door did, since they never knocked on the door . Maybe I'll install a self-locking door with a keypad, and then a doorbell (and then not connect it to anything).
Take care, Stick.

1 comment:

Delirious said...

Wow, it is amazing what time does to the human mind....I don't have any memory of your fantastic sense of humor as a kid. :P On another come your blog doesnt' allow comments until there is another post added? I had to wait until the newest post before a comment option showed for this one.