Saturday, August 21, 2010

Saturday--the Final Frontier

Woke at 6:30 am. Got up and got ready, and went and cleaned the church. Supposed to be the H.P. quorum. Two of us showed up. Finished in under an hour, with one more volunteer showing 20 minutes before the end. Went to a back to school sale, then went garage saling. Fixed a lamp, did three loads of laundry, moved a bed, moved two TV's, moved a piano, helped clean the kitchen, and saw a movie.

Now need to write a talk and prepare a lesson for tomorrow. Can someone add a few more hours to the weekend?

Keep smiling. Stick.


Delirious said...

Sounds like my Saturday. I don't like the way our Ward does things. People just sign up their family to clean the church. In our case, it usually ends up being me and my husband, and our youngest who doesn't help as much as he should. It's a BIG job for two people!

Nene said...

Love your title! :0)

Mr. Giggles said...

With more hours on a weekend like that, you wouldn't need a work week....