Tuesday, August 31, 2010

The Road to Success

I have been very busy lately with preparations for school to start up. This week will end three straight weeks of trainings that I have gone through, and my second week of Master's classes. (Although I missed the first class of each of my three) :o) This is going to be a long road to finish, but will be good in the end.
My new school seems to be a very close-knit group, and I hope they let me fit in. I hoped to never have to commute this far to work and back again (42 miles), but here I am doing it. I hope I don't sound like I am complaining. I think I just need to write this here so I can see it in black and white to solidify what I have ahead of me. This too shall pass, the Lord willin', and if the river don't rise.

Hang in there. Stick.


Anonymous said...

Remember, that the longest roak begins with a single step. You have allready taken the first step, and knowing you, you will finish in great stride...Got a lot of faith in you and your determination...love ya guts...lonehawk

Inklings said...

Are you saying "Hang in there" to yourself or us? :0) Because I was going to say it to you. I know you can do it, you have done things like this before.

Nene said...

Yes, you CAN! :0)

Stick said...

As much for me aas anybody else. :o)

Mr. Giggles said...

Besides, I've never seen you very scared by a river rising, either! Just keep on keeping on! And enjoy the ride. Like I said before, I wish I was taking classes right along with you...just not spec. ed. classes....music classes...well, you know.