Tuesday, August 31, 2010

The Road to Success

I have been very busy lately with preparations for school to start up. This week will end three straight weeks of trainings that I have gone through, and my second week of Master's classes. (Although I missed the first class of each of my three) :o) This is going to be a long road to finish, but will be good in the end.
My new school seems to be a very close-knit group, and I hope they let me fit in. I hoped to never have to commute this far to work and back again (42 miles), but here I am doing it. I hope I don't sound like I am complaining. I think I just need to write this here so I can see it in black and white to solidify what I have ahead of me. This too shall pass, the Lord willin', and if the river don't rise.

Hang in there. Stick.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Saturday--the Final Frontier

Woke at 6:30 am. Got up and got ready, and went and cleaned the church. Supposed to be the H.P. quorum. Two of us showed up. Finished in under an hour, with one more volunteer showing 20 minutes before the end. Went to a back to school sale, then went garage saling. Fixed a lamp, did three loads of laundry, moved a bed, moved two TV's, moved a piano, helped clean the kitchen, and saw a movie.

Now need to write a talk and prepare a lesson for tomorrow. Can someone add a few more hours to the weekend?

Keep smiling. Stick.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Probed, Prodded, Squished and Squashed...but Okay

Recently my wife decided that she needed to have some check-ups done that she has been avoiding. This could be prompted in part by my mother's recent battle with cancer, but was definitely needed. She asked around town here, and everyone said go out of town to ave this done. Truthfully, they did tell her about one place in town, but after one phone call to them, she immediately decided to go elsewhere. That's another story. She asked a firend of hers for the name of the Doctor she goes to in SLC. With a phone call she found she could get an appointment the next day, so off she went.

Yesterday, they called to tell her their were some troublesome spots in her mammogram, and could she come in for a some follow-up diagnostic tests. SO off we went to SLC. Thankfully, after an hour of being squashed and probed, they discovered that the spots were only cysts, and she is fine. She doesn't have to do this again...until next year :o(.

Here's hoping all your parts are in the right place. Stick.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010


Self explanatory

By Stick

I woke up this morning early
And my head was a little stuffy
My nose was drip, drip, dripping,
And I really was quite snuffly.
I got up to blow my nose
In hopes of some relief
But no matter what I did
The results were very brief.
My drip, drip, dripping nose
Was determined not to stop
It was like a speeding car
Who ignored the traffic cop.
I know there is a cause for this,
I know there is a reason
I’m sure there is a flower out there
That is coming into season.
So while it blooms, I’ll suffer,
With a tissue in my hand,
But for now I’ll just wish
That that flower could be banned.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

What I did on my summer vacation --part two

It has been a busy summer, and it is not over yet. My wife and I both taught summer school. She taught the 6th grade severe handicap class, and I taught 9th grade World geography. I also started a Master's degree program through the University of Wyoming. I need to log on and see what grade I got for my first class.:o) I will be teaching Special Education starting this fall, and I need the certification that this Master's degree will give me.

After school ended, we traveled a little, and then my boys and I went to Scout camp. We went to a camp in Idaho called Camp Bartlett. It is on the Idaho/Wyoming border near Montpelier. It was a very nice camp, set up alongside a beautiful little lake.

We have done several little projects over the summer, and I still have a couple to finish before we start school again in a week. I hope I get them all done. All in all, a great summer. The only thing that would have made it better would have been seeing more of our family. I missed all of the reunions this year.

Here's hoping you had a great summer too. Stick

Sunday, August 1, 2010

What I did on my summer vacation. I got up...

Home again, Home again...oops off again!

We have been traveling quite a bit lately. From the time our summer school jobs ended, we have been gone out of town all but three days.

First we went to visit my parents, and various members of my family and kin who came while we were there. Then we went to visit one of my longest lifetime friends. It amazes us to see how much every one has changed and grown. Everyone except my great aunt, who never seems to change.

Yesterday, we went to Lagoon, taking with us my wife's brother and two of his kids, and her sister's son. I think everyone had fun, even though the rain moved in around six and drenched almost everyone. It stopped after a few minutes, and then only sprinkled occasionally the rest of the night. It was still fairly warm, so wasn't too bad. It had been a scorcher earlier, with high humidity, so the rain was a little relief from that. We got home at around 12:30 last night.

You would think that would be enough traveling, but no. Now, the boys and I have to pack today to leave in the morning to go to Scout camp. For the second year in a row, I (foolishly) :O)volunteered to go to camp as an adult chaperon. I have the time off, and no one else could go for the entire week. Not sure where we are even going. Somewhere in Idaho I think. We'll see how it goes before I decide if I'll do this again next year.

For now, I think I'll try to enjoy the few hours respite.

Take care, and have a great day! Stick.