This is probably the saddest blog I have ever had to write. Within one week we have had three major catastrophes.
The first happened while we were going to garage sales. We had purchased drinks, and had them in cup holders around in the van. I had also taken my PDA to read while the women looked at the junk--um--I mean treasures that I wasn't interested in. When we got ready to depart to our next destination, I set my PDA down on the console between the front seats, instead of putting it in my pocket as I usually do. I stopped at a stop sign, and then it happened. My PDA slid forward into our friend's soda. It effectively killed my PDA for which I had just purchased a memory stick. I don't think it is a recoverable accident.
Next, only a few days later, my wife and I were at Girl's camp, where she was the assistant camp leader, and I had been drafted as the camp cook. Since my PDA was dead, she had loaned her Palm TX to me to read a book. I had been storing it in a side pocket on my pants when I wasn't reading it. I'm not sure how, and I'm not sure when, but when I took it from my pocket one time, the screen had gotten cracked, effectively killing her PALM. We still don't know what will happen with it. We're not sure if it can be repaired, or if we will be buying a new one, as this one was issued by the school district to her. We will find out soon.
The last event took place last Tuesday, and was probably the most devastating. I turned 50! I still can't believe it. I'm sure someone miscounted somewhere down the road. My girls have not let me forget this incident, and in fact had black ballons and a grave stone at camp for me. They also painted on the windows of our vehicles--"Honk, I'm 50 and an OLD man".
The first two incidents I think we can overcome, but the last one--I guess I'll just have to live with.
Take care. Watch out for those B-days, they sneak up on you. Stick.
I know how you feel. I lost my camera and I'm devastated!
okay it might not be too late to try this - because i know for a fact it works on cell phones - but whenever you drop something electronic into liquid, you're supposed to take it apart and let it airdry for at least overnight or a little longer - then when it is dry you can try putting it back together and it might still work - this has worked on two phones that were dropped in pools of water - it's worth a shot at least
It worked on Lightning Strikes' cell phone after she dropped it in the bath tub.
I let it dry for almost a week. It won't take a charge or anything. I am going to take it apart (maybe) and see if I can clean contacts or something. I'll keep my fingers crossed.
If you think 50 is bad, wait until you're 5 years away from 60! AUUGGHHHH!!!
Wait until you are 16 months away from 60....AAAUUUGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHH!
Just matter will always be OLDER than me! :P
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