Sunday, June 20, 2010

Patience for the Job

I have been looking for a new full-time teaching position for about a year now. After seeing how many Special Education jobs were open, and nothing else, and after a lot of prayer, I decided to apply for those jobs with the understanding that I would have to go back to school and certify in order to teach. I GOT THE JOB!

I will be teaching 6th through 12th grade Resource at a school in our district. We don't have to move, but I do have to commute about 40 miles. I have been told that I can ride the school bus up and back each day, but have not confirmed that yet. If I cannot ride the bus (will it be a SHORT bus?), I will look into an apartment there, and will come home weekends. I really don't want to do that, but the cost of driving 80+ miles a day would take away the benefit of the better paying job.

I am also currently enrolling at the state University here to take online courses to complete the certification that I need for this position. I have two choices here as well, and I am seeking advice. I can either take 30 credit hours and just certify, or I can take 36-39 credit hours and get a Masters. The pay difference is minimal, but the workload might be higher to be able to finish in the three years I have to certify. As it is, it will be 6 hours a semester to certify, or 7-9 hours a semester for the masters. I think I can finish the Masters later.

Any Thoughts? Stick.


Delirious said...

Wouldn't the cost of the apartment take away the benefit too?

Maybe you could carpool with someone?

Nene said...

I agree with Delirious. I would think that it would be cheaper to drive than rent an apartment. I know lots of people who commute that many miles. Lots of people here in Albq commute to Santa Fe, and vice versa. It's a 45 minute drive - it's about 60 miles.

Inklings said...

I think the apt. would be more than driving, too. Maybe stay in a travel trailer if you had to stay? Although it would probably still be cheaper to just drive.
The master's might open new doors, though, and it wouldn't take TOO much more time.
I am glad you got this job! Congratulations!

Dee Ice Hole said...

Go for the Masters since you have to be back in school anyway---it is tougher to go back every year.