Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Just for Fun!“

“There was a blacksmith by the name of John
Who had one leg, for the other was gone.
There was only one eye in his balding head,
But he said it didn’t matter, for he’d soon be dead.
He said it didn’t matter for he’d soon be dead

He had a dog, that he called True Blue,
That sat in the door in full plain view.
It matched its master with a hind leg gone,
And gnawed on the bone when it was alone.
It gnawed on the bone when it was alone.

Now the two of them made quite a pair,
As they worked and lay in that Smithy there,
But when it came of a Saturday night,
They went to the bar to get drunk and fight.
They went to the bar to get drunk and fight.

Then one night they met their match,
A lady named Sue and a cat called Scratch.
Nary a punch did either side throw,
But Sue left with John in tow.
Yes, Sue left with John in tow.

Now they live all together above John’s shop,
And of the alcohol they haven’t touched a drop.
Sue says they’re happy, and John nods his head,
He says it doesn’t matter, for he’ll soon be dead.
He says it doesn’t matter, for he’ll soon be dead.”

Have a great Day. Stick.


Nene said...

Cute! Put a tune to it and sing it at the family reunion!

Inklings said...

Nice poem, is it part of your book?

Stick said...

Yes this is in the book. I am writing a poem right now that is just for fun. I will post it soon I hope. I am on chapter 20 of 30.