Thursday, June 21, 2007

Another First

In trying to relieve my pinched nerve, I have now had another first in my life. I went to a Chiropractor.

After taking my life history (boring--I've heard it before), and asking what I wanted to achieve through the visit (my back and leg to stop hurting), he led me to the most wonderful invention I've seen. He put me on a motorized, heated, massage table that kneeded my back from top to bottom for 15 minutes. He told me on the way in not to snore, but when he came back I told him it wasn't snoring, it was purring!
Once I was fully worked over, he took me to another table, where he began to kneed me all over again, with an occasional thump and bump--lining up my vertabrae to something resembling straight.
Over all, my opionion was--not too bad, however, I don't know if I will go again. Now I might consider making an offer on the massage table...
Take care, sit up straight. Stick.

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