Something new has been added. We went and traded in our Yukon, on a 2011 Chevy Traverse. It is smaller, so easier to park, and more fuel efficient. We hope it will give us years of service. We did lose our DVD player, but not much else in the trade. We are very excited. It is an All Wheel Drive vehicle, so should also be safer to drive on winter roads.
We are in the process of trying what to do about our vehicle. Our van is falling apart, and won't last much longer. We are hoping it will last until our two older kids get home so that we can afford the monthly payment of another car. I've been eyeing the "Element" just because of the head room, but I'm not sure it has a powerful enough engine for me. Then there is the question of whether or not we will even be in the States to drive it. Decisions...decisions.
By the way, does your family fit in this???
Nice car! That's a fun early Christmas present for you all. We're about due for a new car, too, not sure what kind though.
We're trying to decide what to do now also. I need something I don't have to "climb" into because it's too hard on my knees. We hate to give up the truck but would be sad to trade in the Jeep too. We may just not do anything right now, but the time will come soon that we'll have to. You didn't mention what color you got. I'm sure you'll love the better gas milage!
family of 6 fits. we hate the look of the element,but each to his own
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