Sunday, April 21, 2019

Easter Sunday and I feel gratitude towards my Savior for all he has done for me. Everything else pales in comparison and all of the trials of this World fade-away with that knowledge. He lives and he loves each of us. With that knowledge I can face all of the trials of this mortal existence.


Thursday, April 18, 2019

What can I say? I have been very lazy about blogging. It's not that I haven't had anything to say, or that nothing has happened that I could have blogged about. I have just been busy with the rest of my life. I teach at a high school, and have been very involved with that. I teach Special Education, and there is a LOT of paperwork associated with that. I have also been writing a book, which I haven't done much on recently. In the time that I have not been blogging, I have had several grandchildren born, and they have kept us busy as well. I have also been trying to expand some of my other interests, including developing my artistic side, so I have been sketching more. Altogether, it has taken me away from the blogging side of my life. I will try to blog more often. I know I have some poems I have not posted here, and I might share a picture, or two.

Hang in there. Stick.