We had an interesting day today. We went on a driving tour of Central Wyoming. We didn't plan to do it, it just happened.
We were in Greybull, Wyoming this weekend for a family reunion. When we got up this morning, we planned to eat breakfast, pack, and leave so we could get back to Rock Springs early. Right. This is a drive of just over 4 hours. Normally.
When we got to Thermopolis, we noticed a flashing yellow highway sign. WIND RIVER CANYON CLOSED. This canyon connects Northern Wyoming to Southern Wyoming. Look at a map. No. Other. Direct. Route. We were told there had been a snow and a rock slide that closed the canyon. We were also told that Highway 14 towards Yellowstone was also closed due to rock slides. The ONLY other route took us back 30 miles North, 100 miles East, then 200 miles South, and finally 100 miles West. Our just over 4 hour drive--now 9 1/2 hours. We drove through rain, past a 3 car accident in the mountains that had traffic doing 20 mph, through a blizzard, and more rain before we finally got home.
We are grateful to be home safely, and we don't plan on repeating the trip any time soon. Drive careful, and have a great day.